Thursday, November 15, 2007

Picking technic: Single and alternate picking.


Here I like to tell you about picking technics. In general there 2 kinds of picking tehcnic, namely single and alternate picking.

Single picking means we pick a string and then play about 2 or more notes per string. In simple way of explaining with a single pick on a string we play no matter how many notes played on that string.

And for alternate picking means we pick the string on every single note we play. Normally we pick in the motion of down and up stroke continously. For example the stroke will be down, up, down, up, down... and so on.

Anyway, I believe most guitarist being taught of using the technic of alternate picking. I suggest that to be a good guitarist we must learn both so we can get more technics and apply it to our playing to make it more versatile.

Thats it! Generally about picking.

See you guys around.

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