Saturday, October 6, 2007

Start to KISS!!!- Keep it Simple, Stupid!!!


I remember one time ago. When I taught a guy in a tutorial session, I asked him, "what song do u really want to play?". He replied, "Fade to black, Metallica..."

Well, for me it is a good song, some people can play this song easily. But not for this guy, he is really a rookie, he cant play that song, he needs to play more simple thing. And, more simple arrangement and movement.

So, if u want to play something that really big stuff, but suddenly u stuck and cant do the chords or smoke ur finger with the solo. It's time to start KISS!!! Keep it Simple, Stupid!!! (My ex-boss influence to use this terms, he he. Thank you Mr Terrence)

There are a lot of song we can choose. One great example is the Zombie-Cranberries. Even i use this sond as case study for most of my student in the class. It use simple chords and also simple solo. Only using E minor, C, G and D. And these chords is easy to grip and fast to change ur finger position from one to other. The solo part: only a few note to remember.

Then, form time to time try to find other song, and go out learn something new, try something new.

Okay guys!

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